
Checking In: A Tool for Mindful Eating

Mindfulness & Behavior Change

In my recent session with a new client, a powerful phrase emerged: “Interrupt the defaults.” This simple concept highlights the importance of stepping back from habitual behaviors, especially when it comes to eating.

Many of us find ourselves reaching for food without fully considering our needs. This could be due to stress, boredom, or simply habit. By pausing and “checking in” with ourselves, we can gain a deeper understanding of our motivations and make more informed choices.

The Checking-In Process:

  • S.T.O.P.: Stop, Think, Observe, Proceed. When you find yourself reaching for food, take a moment to pause. Think about why you’re doing it. Observe your feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. Then, proceed with a mindful decision.
  • H.A.L.T.: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Are you eating because you’re truly hungry, or are you using food to cope with other emotions? Understanding your underlying needs can help you make healthier choices.
  • S.A.D.: Stressed, Anxious, Depressed. Sometimes, we turn to food as a comfort mechanism. By recognizing the emotional triggers behind our eating habits, we can explore other ways to manage stress and anxiety.

The Benefits of Checking In:

  • Increased awareness: By pausing and reflecting, you’ll gain a better understanding of your eating patterns and triggers.
  • Mindful decision-making: Checking in allows you to make conscious choices about what to eat and when.
  • Reduced emotional eating: Identifying emotional triggers can help you break free from unhealthy eating habits.
  • Improved self-control: With practice, checking in can become a powerful tool for managing your impulses.

Ready to Try It?

If you’re interested in learning more about mindful eating and breaking free from unhealthy habits, I’d love to chat. Schedule a free discovery call today, and let’s work together to create a healthier, happier you.


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Catherine smiling in woods

Catherine is a registered dietitian nutritionist and health coach. Her approach is rooted in evidence-based practices like intuitive eating and mindfulness, with an emphasis on enjoying healthy, whole foods.

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